วันอาทิตย์ที่ 28 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2555

The Judas Kiss - review

Hampstead Theatre, London

When the work of David Hare, was first observed in 1998, suffered from the miscasting of the central roles of Oscar Wilde and Lord Alfred Douglas (Bosie). Now, fined Neil Armfield Renaissance seems much richer - confirming Wilde aphorism that "truth in art is that whose opposite is also true." Wilde's fate is a character with many facets: one that can be admired for his uncompromising moral integrity, or sorry for intentional self-destruction capacity

Hare focuses on two key moments. First we see Wilde at the Cadogan Hotel imprisoned in 1895 after the collapse of his libel case against the Marquess of Queensberry: Common sense tells us to flee to France to escape arrest, but Wilde said that the flight would be a capitulation English abject hypocrisy and denial of his love for Bosie. In the second half, we see the consequences of the persistence of Wilde. After his prison sentence of two years, is now reunited with Bosie in Naples, but it is a narrowed face passive living the life of a miserable exile largely unable to write. Although supported by the presence of Bosie, Wilde knows who faces the final betrayal.

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