Despite the incident, Nalbandian said afterwards he hoped to return to Queen Club next year. "This incident does not mean that I will not," said the Argentine. "I feel good in this tournament. This is a bad situation for everyone and I apologize, but it does not mean anything for the next year."
Nalbandian, but not to aggravate the situation by accusing the ATP, the governing body of the men's tour, having a set of rules that players do not agree, even forced to play when conditions are not trained. "Sometimes the ATP puts a lot of pressure on the players and sometimes you get hurt because you're playing in a dangerous area," he said. "Nothing happens, nobody pays for it."
The crowd of 6,000 Nalbandian strong side immediately after the incident, many do not know that the shot had caused a lot of damage to his left leg McDougall, who needed treatment for an injury.
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