วันพุธที่ 17 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Climate change campaigners cautioned over reaction to extreme weather

Republican congressman said climate change skeptics escalate attacks if the test of time ostensibly recent

Aa climate change contrarians

dig deeper if activists try to use recent weather events such as fires, droughts and heat waves as a call to action, a global warming heretic Republican, warned.

Bob Inglis, a former congressman South Carolina behind a center for the study of global warming is an endangered species as a Republican who believes in climate change.

recent abnormal weather does not provide strong evidence of the dangers of climate change and can break down the wall of denial of the Republican Party, said. However, scientists and activists to go easy on the destination.

"It would not be useful to all those who are associated with action on climate change is stirring his finger in Colorado and Texas, where it is warm or say," See, I you told you so "Inglis said in a telephone interview.

"This is the worst possible for those who seek to climate action since then generate a predictable response:" I'll show you. I will not give an inch. "

Its principles are unlikely to promote democratic political development, and wind and solar industry.

Culture entering Republican election that denies the existence of climate change or against action on climate change. None of the Republican candidates for the White House in this election has recognized the dangers of climate change.

Energy and Commerce Committee has yet to hold a hearing on the dangers of forest fires and drought due to climate change, despite 15 applications to date by the Democrats in the committee.

But Inglis said Republicans will not budge from his refusal to fear.
"Those who talk, talk about apocalyptic visions and leads us further into denial as an appropriate mechanism to resolve," said Inglis. "If you tell me that we are all toast and is simply terrible, that fate is imminent, if you say that then eat, drink and be merry. If I'm toast, I can just ignore it" , he said.

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