วันพุธที่ 31 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Revolt in Syria by Stephen Starr - review

Ian Black on two accounts of the bloodiest chapter of the Arab revolt

will soon be the second anniversary of the events that are still known as the Arab Spring, but still do not know the meaning of what happened or the result of the bloodiest chapter of agitation, played in the daily chaos and misery across Syria.


Bashar al-Assad, who seemed to be one of the most stable Arab dictatorships, has undoubtedly been deeply shaken - not only because it is estimated that 25,000 people have already found dead. However, it is possible that Assad still rebellious follow in the footsteps of his father, Hafez, which killed as many or more in Hama in 1982, in the pre-YouTube, but he lived another 17 years before dying peacefully in his bed?

Stephen Starr provides a partial answer in his vivid account of the first months of the uprising. The book is also a fascinating account of how a young journalist based in Damascus, who had struggled to interest publishers and now he was in the right place at the right time, able to work under dangerous circumstances. It was fortunate that the Irish financial newspaper was erected a paywall accredited to the Ministry of Information to read their stories online.

significantly Syria was a different case of Egypt and Tunisia, where the army was quickly on the side of the revolution, and Libya, where a united opposition consolidated its base in Benghazi and won the Western support that led to NATO intervention, and finally, the violent death of Gaddafi. But Syria was one essential thing in common with other countries affected by Arab Spring Fever 2011: he had a sense - Tocqueville identified as a "revolution of rising expectations" - living under a brutal authoritarian instincts were more tolerable .

The spark was lit in the southern city of Deraa, where anti-regime graffiti school daubed on the walls were arrested and beaten and had their nails pulled out by the Mukhabarat secret police. This provoked a reaction from abuse challenge. A few days after Al-Jazeera, a key player in this drama was broadcast pictures of a statue of Hafez be demolished - Saddam style - that dozens lay dead in the streets. State media, of course, did not report. But Starr began receiving calls asking him to communicate with horror cover the event. It was, he said, "hard to believe".

Assad and his entourage, Starr predicted, "will not negotiate because the concept is alien to them in their daily lives ... The scheme introduced a way to run both in itself and in the world. was not giving up an inch of Syrian territory. "

Assad at this point is discussed by Lesch American scholar David Syria: The Fall of the House of Assad
(Yale, £ 18.99), including the brutal conclusion is explained in the title of his book. By his own admission, was one of the observers in Syria, in the early noughties, believed that Western-trained ophthalmologist and computer geek with a sexy woman, born in London and a taste for the music of Phil Collins was a true reformer, who was arrested by the hardline Hafez era. (Previous book called Lesch flattering

Find best price for : --Stephen----Syria----Bashar----Lesch----Starr----Assad--

High School Students Increasingly Use Social Media for College Search

John Bond

colorful manager and former Manchester City FA Cup winner with West Ham United

early 1980s, and the Manchester club was a dominant force in English football in the way they are both now. But they were certainly remarkable for its leaders perma-tanned States Ron Atkinson - Mr Bojangles - and hair combed City John Bond, inevitably known Bondy, formed by a pair of colors, trustworthy in their suits and ties cream striking

Bond, who has died aged 79, had already won a place in the heart of the nation, when in the 1980-81 season, after an FA Cup tie, jumped the forefront of Maine Road stadium to console his son, Kevin defender on one side that beat Norwich City 6-0 only. The incident was made even hotter by the fact that the Senior Notes had left for work Norwich to Manchester City.

Bond was an affable, courteous throughout your football has spoken lightly of his native country, Dedham, Essex in rural areas. A college football player with the North Essex, played for non-league Colchester Casuals before joining West Ham United in 1950. There, he was part of a team that includes Malcolm Allison, Harry Redknapp and later Bobby Moore, Geoff Hurst and Martin Peters, who won the Second Division Championship FA Cup 1957-1958 and 1964. A right-back, their level of detail can be measured by the fact that it was known as Muffin, after the kids puppet Muffin the Mule main television. Bond was accused of kicking like creature said.

After 444 appearances for West Ham, left Bond in 1966 and lives his days playing for Torquay United. Then he was hired as director of Bournemouth and Boscombe Athletic, which is reputed to have been the driving force behind the change of name for AFC Bournemouth, with its more continental. After removing Division Four in his first season, 1971-72, was the first division Norwich City novelists drop in November 1973, taking with Kevin, then an apprentice. You can save the fall at the end of this season, rebounded in the first attempt.

Meanwhile, the president and CEO fell on the purchase of Trevor Francis Bond and threatened to withdraw if the agreement does not pass. Francis duly arrived and scored two goals on his debut against Stoke City. But Francis's career has been hampered by injuries, the friction between Bond and wolves return, and in 1983 he moved to Burnley Bond, who had been relegated to the third division.

Turf Moor
him hailed as one of the biggest names in the game, but the sale of local heroes such as Trevor Steven Lee Dixon and bringing many faces Manchester City sit well. In one year, vilified by fans and can not bring the glory days, Bond was.

It was a year in the city of Swansea, leaving in 1985, when they fought with the double threat of abandoning the league and bankruptcy. After that, he went to Birmingham, but was fired in 1987, when hovered somewhere above the relegation to Division Four. His latest book, when he was about 67, consisted of mining tasks and training for Wigan.

Kevin addition, Bond is survived by his wife, Janet, and daughter, Toni.
. John Frederick Bond, footballer and manager, born December 17, 1932 and died September 26, 2012

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วันจันทร์ที่ 29 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2555

If nothing else, 'Jesus's wife' papyrus shows how Christianity created an authorised history | Tom Holland


tells us little about their current marital status of Jesus, this new fragment shows how to create their own religions history allowed

Our sources of antiquity are often smaller bits and pieces, and curiously is difficult to trace the evolution of religions. Invariably, the process by which a particular orthodoxy was definitively established as long and complex. Then, once established that the canonical stories, back to what is written, that no persistent feeling that religion may have once been a whirlwind emerging doctrines and beliefs was purged effective competition. The consequence is that the stories told by believers in the first centuries of their own faith, they tend to serve as monuments to the destruction and preservation of the past.

Hence the excitement this week the discovery of a small fragment of papyrus, where for the first time in an ancient manuscript Christian, Jesus is recorded as speaking of "my wife". Although the origin of this surprising finding is mysterious, his last place of origin - assuming it is not, as some researchers suspect a fake - just maybe Egypt

It is certainly that the fragment has been dated to the fourth century, in the time when all but the four canonical Gospels of the New Testament today begin to be deleted in Egypt. Even more attractive, but the original dialogue between Jesus and his disciples that the files were dated by Professor King in the second half of the second century. This brings us back to a time when the specter of Christian opinion -
in Greek - was, by the standards of post-post-Nicene Christianity, surprisingly large. There were Christians, for example, claimed that the human body and sexuality with him, was hopelessly corrupt, while there are others who have seen in the language of marriage and sexual relations in a metaphor of salvation . It was, in a famous verse of a long-lost Gospel rediscovered recently in Egypt, the Gospel of Philip, Jesus was described as kissing Mary Magdalene on the mouth. The Gospel of Jesus woman, apparently, was written as a contribution to the debate itself: a debate that, in time, Christians came to never forget roar

What the fragment does not do is shed light on the state of the historical Jesus - a fortiori if he really had sex with Mary Magdalene. Written nearly two centuries after the birth of Jesus, and with a huge ideological eliminate the circumstances of his life, the idea may be grist for fans of The Da Vinci Code - but not for teachers of life real Harvard. What we give, however, is the vision of a time otherwise occluded in the evolution of Christianity, and a reminder of how religions have actually been able to do for themselves, despite of reality confused, a Last agile and authorized.

Find best price for : --Christianity--

US: Ukraine fails test by jailing ex-PM

US Deputy assistant Secretary of State, Thomas O. Melia speaks during the 9th Yalta Annual Meeting entitled 'Ukraine and the World: Addressing Tomorrow's Challenges Together', organized by the Yalta European Strategy (YES) in partnership with the Victor Pinchuk Foundation at the Livadia Palace in Yalta, Ukraine, Saturday, Sept. 15, 2012. More than 200 leaders from politics, business and society representing more than 20 countries will discuss major global challenges and their impact on Europe, Ukraine and the world. (AP Photo/Efrem Lukatsky)

A senior U.S. official said today that Ukraine is failing the democracy test the approach of elections, citing the imprisonment of former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko and reduce media freedom.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 28 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2555

The Judas Kiss - review

Hampstead Theatre, London

When the work of David Hare, was first observed in 1998, suffered from the miscasting of the central roles of Oscar Wilde and Lord Alfred Douglas (Bosie). Now, fined Neil Armfield Renaissance seems much richer - confirming Wilde aphorism that "truth in art is that whose opposite is also true." Wilde's fate is a character with many facets: one that can be admired for his uncompromising moral integrity, or sorry for intentional self-destruction capacity

Hare focuses on two key moments. First we see Wilde at the Cadogan Hotel imprisoned in 1895 after the collapse of his libel case against the Marquess of Queensberry: Common sense tells us to flee to France to escape arrest, but Wilde said that the flight would be a capitulation English abject hypocrisy and denial of his love for Bosie. In the second half, we see the consequences of the persistence of Wilde. After his prison sentence of two years, is now reunited with Bosie in Naples, but it is a narrowed face passive living the life of a miserable exile largely unable to write. Although supported by the presence of Bosie, Wilde knows who faces the final betrayal.

What you been seeing lately? Tell us on Twitter using # GdnReview

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วันศุกร์ที่ 26 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Brazil's latest Olympic football silver lacks a sliver of consolation | Jamie Jackson

three silver medals and two bronze medals are a paltry return for the winners of the five times World Cup newest whose hopes were dashed by Mexico and an inability to take their chances

Brazil have never won the Olympic title was so misleading as to the existence of a collection of brilliant individual gold medals missing Roger Federer. Mexico at Wembley on Saturday - no soccer games in Brazil medals two silver medals and two bronze (apart from his World Cup five years) - were aligned as extras in the


's launch party as Olympic champions.

place called Santos Laguna striker Oribe Peralta scored twice what they were a virtually as Mexico, Brazil and a starting lineup with Thiago Silva, Marcelo, Neymar, Rafael da Silva and Oscar become in the past to continue this story sorry pests masterful football nation.

The balance was the opportunity to reverse the unwanted statistic as host of upcoming games to establish a defense of the title he could finish ahead of 85.0000 Maracanã football souls with considered prima facie evidence of the spiritual home of the sport.

Before this match, the coach, Mario Menezes, said: "We all know we have to win the gold medal in Brazil must win every tournament you play, you have to win every game you play, even. whether it is a friendly match. And this time even more because it is something that the nation has never won before. "

Neymar, the Santos forward, said: "We came here for the gold medal and we are far from reaching a game just to do our work in the end.".

The mission seemed to happen. Brazil retained possession of all but killed finishing deficit. When Hulk was introduced - after the half-hour, his teammate Alex Sandro Porto - with his team trailing 1-0, darkening resistance to at least one dimension added directly absent from his natural inclination to spread the ball wide and made like butterflies .

won silver at the 1984 Los Angeles and 1988 Seoul Olympics and the bronze medal in Atlanta in 1996 and Beijing 2008 were insignificant change. A line that has disgustingly rich Garrincha, Pele, Rivelino, Tostao, Zico, Romario - who played in Seoul - Ronaldo, Rivaldo (Atlanta), Lúcio (Sydney 2000) and Alexandre Pato (2008, London 2012) really should the have already done what Argentina's Carlos Tevez and Javier Mascherano made in Athens in 2004, and win at least one gold medal.

The tire came 15 minutes from time. Throughout the afternoon, Brazil were the guardians of the ball missing a key near the goal murderer Jose Corona. When they were presented for the second time since the break, Marco Fabián Peralta suddenly encountered a strong, whose performance and ahead of the curve on arrival were as impressive as his starter.

Brazil had enough chances to win three or four gold medals and none of the things necessary to Corona goal.

principle Neymar floated in a free kick from the right that Thiago Silva, the captain went to him. Oscar and Chelsea had a corner that did not work. The exceptional step in this sequence was Marcelo, Real Madrid left-back, throw a ball on the side which is Leandro Damião, whose career buccaneers deserved better.

Mexico beat Brazil 2-0 in their last meeting - a warm up for the tournament -. Although their ranks have been weakened by Giovanni Dos Santos Tottenham Hotspur is out with a hamstring injury
A Brazilian suffered an injury as well, but it was during the game and was not a failure: Sandro came and went into the Hulk, whose first contribution was a blow 30 yards that stung the fingers of Corona as half-time approached.

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Brazil 1-2 Mexico | London 2012 Olympic football final match report

Brazil 1-2 Mexico

Mexico soccer first Olympic gold medal

and wait for Brazil to add this title to his five World Cups now lasts for Rio 2016, at least.

Oribe Peralta is the man who is free from Mexico and all Brazilians do not want to hear it again. His two goals - one in each half - were virtually the only possibility Luis Fernando Tena team created, and they took

Brazil became Olympic champion crowned for the first time and left embarrassed. A starting lineup that Thiago Silva, Neymar, Oscar Chelsea, Tottenham Hotspur and Real Madrid's Marcelo Sandro suggested that it could end up making a procession against a team missing Mexican Giovani dos Santos Spurs due to a thigh injury.

Not this time. Hulk - the best player in Brazil, which began on the bench - scored a goal late. But despite the nerves Mexico and added three minutes completed in the herd default mode tasteless it was the end. Last chance for Oscar gold came to mind, but, as his team failed to deliver

2012 Olympics: Football Brazil

Find best price for : --Brazil----Olympic----Mexico----Peralta--

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 18 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2555

London 2012 Olympic games: 31 July - evening summary


money for the women's team gymnastics team targets Go to track men


action today - live blog

Here is a summary of today's action and key events still to come:

Note that all times are in GMT (EST +5)

Waterpolo: 10 hours, Water Polo Arena

reign Water Polo Men's Olympic champions Hungary fell to a second successive defeat against Montenegro today, losing 11-10.

Fencing : 10:30 at the ExCel Arena

British Richard Kruse was eliminated, losing to Russian Artur Akhmatkhuzin.

Equestrian 10:30 Greenwich Park

Team GB, with Zara Phillips, won a silver medal in the equestrian team eventing. Follow our live blog.

Diving: 15:00 Aquatic Centre

European Champions Go, Tonia Couch and Sarah Barrow, has produced a magnificent final jump to climb to third place behind China and Australia.

David Florence, who won silver in Beijing, Tony Estanguet disappointed because France won the gold medal in the final. Silver went to Germany Tasiadis Sideris then champion Michel Martikan had to settle for bronze.

Gymnastics: 16:30 at the North Greenwich Arena

Could Team GB Imogen Cairns, Jennifer Pinches, Hannah Whelan, Beth Tweddle and Rebecca Tunney find a way to imitate men? Search the blog live.

Find best price for : --Estanguet----Tony----David----Zara--

Silver medal for GB eventing team as Germans take Olympic gold

. Germany retains eventing team won the gold medal in Beijing

. Brittany

edge of the New Zealand money

Britain won the silver medal in the team competition eventing today, or beaten by Germany in the last day of the event at Greenwich Park, New Zealand Sweden hierarchy for the bronze medal.

"You can not be disappointed with the money," said Zara Phillips, who had seven sins in his turn jumping. But his face tells a different story. "We tried to recover lead from Germany, but was unable to do so," he said, his face etched with disappointment when she refused.

"It was very tight," said William Fox-Pitt, who, after a cross-country phase of low power ended a clear and bright as the first driver outside Great Britain. Its clear led many in the crowd to its feet, and an epidemic of marking that resonated around the ring like thunder.

was a bad sign that the powerful German team had things well under control. The only danger came from several babies crying in the crowd British nationalists 23,000 capacity, but their cries are not enough to confuse the Germans.

Britain was based on errors Germans, but Sandra Auffarth - another driver with great potential for individual glory this afternoon - jumped a beautiful clear within four seconds of time. Then came the tire - a pristine clear under enormous pressure from Michael Jung, the world champion. Sat his horse produces huge jumps and tighter barrier becomes London - Big Ben framed by one side and a lion in Trafalgar Square, in the other -. And after his clear, Britain knew that his destiny

Germany final rider Ingrid Klimke, took a turn off after closing down a fast clocked up nine penalties, but Germany still came home with a fence in hand. Babies in the crowd had left to cry at the end, but the British team - for all his protestations of pleasure to make money - must have felt like a tear

Find best price for : --Ingrid----Auffarth----Sandra----King----Mary----William----Zara--

วันพุธที่ 17 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Climate change campaigners cautioned over reaction to extreme weather

Republican congressman said climate change skeptics escalate attacks if the test of time ostensibly recent

Aa climate change contrarians

dig deeper if activists try to use recent weather events such as fires, droughts and heat waves as a call to action, a global warming heretic Republican, warned.

Bob Inglis, a former congressman South Carolina behind a center for the study of global warming is an endangered species as a Republican who believes in climate change.

recent abnormal weather does not provide strong evidence of the dangers of climate change and can break down the wall of denial of the Republican Party, said. However, scientists and activists to go easy on the destination.

"It would not be useful to all those who are associated with action on climate change is stirring his finger in Colorado and Texas, where it is warm or say," See, I you told you so "Inglis said in a telephone interview.

"This is the worst possible for those who seek to climate action since then generate a predictable response:" I'll show you. I will not give an inch. "

Its principles are unlikely to promote democratic political development, and wind and solar industry.

Culture entering Republican election that denies the existence of climate change or against action on climate change. None of the Republican candidates for the White House in this election has recognized the dangers of climate change.

Energy and Commerce Committee has yet to hold a hearing on the dangers of forest fires and drought due to climate change, despite 15 applications to date by the Democrats in the committee.

But Inglis said Republicans will not budge from his refusal to fear.
"Those who talk, talk about apocalyptic visions and leads us further into denial as an appropriate mechanism to resolve," said Inglis. "If you tell me that we are all toast and is simply terrible, that fate is imminent, if you say that then eat, drink and be merry. If I'm toast, I can just ignore it" , he said.

Find best price for : --Party----Inglis--

London 2012: Team GB's Jack Butland walking in a Brazilian wonderland

19 years, Stuart Pearce

goalkeeper of choice faced Neymar, Hulk and Co London 2012 Olympics Thurs warming

Jack Butland

to the fantasy of being a college football player became reality. The 19-year-old saw the rise vortex of oblivion big game is the dream of many an aspiring player. Next Friday lines Birmingham goalkeeper to the city as the first choice for Stuart Pearce British Olympic XI No. 1 in the opening of the London 2012 warm-up. Opponents in Riverside Stadium will be a Brazilian whose penchant for gold is headed by Neymar, Hulk, Pato, Thiago Silva and Marcelo all high-level international matches and especially veterans Champions League. Don's famous yellow jersey with five winners of the World Cup-star and a lineage that includes Garrincha, Pele, Zico, Romario and Ronaldo.

Butland Faced with this challenge as a professional experienced only 24 appearances in the Premier League loan Cheltenham, the entire city last season. Before summer began with the selection of Roy Hodgson looking for England at Euro 2012, his experience was more glamorous Cheltenham play-off semi-final at Torquay United in May. Not that he has played. By then, he was back with Butland Birmingham after being recalled after an injury to Boaz Myhill.


Cheltenham Mark Yates said: "He came to see us at Torquay in the second round and stood behind the lens This is the kind of person who is it made its way to him Torquay self and peer support .. I had the season. This shows what it is. "

This show

esprit de corps

Butland Shore believes is better than some of his contemporaries, including the goalkeeper second stream of England, Robert Green. He said. "I was with Richard Wright in the England Under-16 levels and with Rob Green in memory of Norwich glue on the attributes that were, what kind of character he had, and patch are on Jack."

Butland the largest selection of England felt rushed, but Shore said: "This is a springboard success, and some people may have been told that the selection for the Euro was premature but in reality it was in the [U-20] World Cup [in 2011], he knows all the coaches of England and you're in a bubble, you're pretty institutionalized: it is what you you train, because I think it will be a great name .. "

go to Birmingham Butland came when impressed by Coast Academy against a junior club affiliated with the Blues. When Blackpool were a Premier League club for two years and was chief Shore youth on his side, Butland has attracted the attention of the manager, Ian Holloway. A Birmingham last season, Colin Doyle was the goalkeeper of choice, Butland wants to play regularly and can go - Southampton, newly promoted, retained an interest. Wherever the future of the youth is, Costa tells a story that suggests why it may continue to rise to fame and prosper in the Olympic Games this month.

"Three years ago, when he was a scholar [Birmingham], I crossed Clevedon and past the playground of their school and the chance where Jack wanted to practice kicking a ball with a partner. It's just kind of summarizes Jack. "

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