วันอาทิตย์ที่ 12 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Manchester City 2-0 Everton

The gap between the have's and have followed the path of the money men, it is not surprising, but Everton made their opponents work hard for the victory that keeps them privileged in their heels rivals Manchester.

was halfway through the second half before Mario Balotelli, as a substitute, scored the first with a razor finish from outside the penalty area. James Milner, also put on the bench, added the second two minutes remaining.

David Moyes said in advance it would be foolish to try to Everton to face their opponents in a stellar passing game built. Instead, he tried to close its doors and the city of Harry from when they had possession, often defending with 10 men behind the ball. Equally significant, Jack Rodwell Moyes used the mark of David Silva, man for man, with good results. To his credit, Everton played decent football of their own, keeping the ball on the ground wherever possible and looking for Marouane Fellaini hit when it was not.

sterile first half was especially remarkable for a reserve for bonuses Phil Neville, who contacted insignificant Silva, only for the Spaniard to take a play machine that smelled of the simulation. As expected, the City has done most of the attacker, but neither goalkeeper was called upon to make a decision until the 35th minute when a shot from inside Sergio Aguero has been pushed to the left around Tim Howard's post. This attempt to distance, the other just before the break saw Edin Dzeko and Yaya Toure, both shot at the bar and Gareth Barry Howard draws directly from a distance.

Meanwhile, the city had to change something to break the deadlock. Her abuser was remarkably short in width, but instead of introducing James Milner who sent the Balotelli of Dzeko, the substitution of one for another striker.

All this shows that Roberto Mancini is a better judge than any expert. Within seven minutes of their arrival, the city had to Balotelli Agüero and receive low shot into the right corner of Howard on the edge of the D. Ahead, at the last, the city was within inches of doubling the margin two minutes later when Silva hit the base of the left post from Howard.

Everton huffed and puffed to no avail, and Yaya Toure, 25 meters has an economy of the accident Milner Howard before finally pushed to 2-0 in 89 minutes.

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