วันอาทิตย์ที่ 26 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Amanda Palmer Details How All That Kickstarter Money Is Being Spent

Midem, I made a presentation talks about the importance of being more open, more humane and impressive is a key element to differentiate themselves from the competition (growth) these days. I used the example of Louis CK, but Amanda Palmer would be just as good. After all, Kickstarter campaign is tons of attention to raise a lot of money, which leads many to wonder how.

But as the numbers continue to increase, also raised a second question: where is all this money? And it is not surprising that Palmer has opened and is large enough spells where the money goes, and to emphasize that, although the campaign ends in a million (a real possibility), that a very high percentage money really goes to the "product" is offered. This is just a snippet, but you should read the whole thing:

7000 + high quality CD-book and thank you cards cost about $ 15 per batch and the ship. which is $ 105,000.

1500 + vinyls and maps about $ 20 to manufacture and ship ... approximately $ 30,000

2000 + art books (taking into account the shipping costs where, whenever they should be sent to the factory, the retailer YOU murderer is another signature) will cost around $ 80,000.

PLUS, we must take into account about $ 15-20k to pay for our design team to design truly all these things, and be super-duper awesome and worth of money. those of you who have supported my Kickstarter last Neil and know what I'm talking about. This CD will be a super-deluxxxxxe work of art.
neil kyle and the books will cost a lot of money to create ... we have some $ 100 / copy about 100 ... is 10k.

if we sell about 100 platinum packages: sorting tables, pay artists to paint, sending all those things around:. Ballpark another $ 15k
crafts/7-inch arts and packages, if we sell about 300 of them, adds about another $ 30k (we expect to spend approximately 100 $ each for those in the package, including not only vinyl but fun arts and crafts. oh, and shipping / delivery x5)

ago much more, but are added. Ultimately, he said in substance that the purpose of Kickstarter is not the only benefit, but

things investing

genius in all that can help keep as:
ONE ... we promise to do incredible things for all those involved. Insurance cost more to make things extra luxury (and send us free stuff everywhere), but doing this incredible thing is the point. if I spared to make the product packaging and fantastic real, I'd be an idiot.

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